I can see I'll have to rename this feature 'Sometimes Friday Fridayitis' or stick to doing Saturday and Sunday editions. Too much real world stuff going on for the last two days to be able to post, so we have the belated edition (again).
Okee Dokee so what's been happening?
Well, it's all doom and gloom... publishing is no more!
New York Magazine leads with The End (this as usual has been pilfered from Nathan Bransford's blog - his commentary can be found here.
And Galleycat asks What's A Summer Without Harry Potter Look Like?
Joshua Palmatier over at SF Novelist has put together the Plot Synopsis Project II , so if your at that stage with your manuscript (some writers actually start with the synopsis), or want some practice and guidance then get over there!
In Stocking Books, The Rejecter covers some of the vagaries of buying, selling and stocking books, and it's Rejecter's first post in an age!
That's it folks
I'd say have a great weekend but it's almost over - cya next week!
5 years ago
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